Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christmas Lists

People every year ask what you want for Christmas.  You never can think of anything, so you take your time and make a list.  Then, when you give your list out to all those people, they get mad and say your list isn't good enough.  Huh?  I put what I wanted on my list.  You can either get me what I want or figure it out yourself.  I mean, you asked for the list and you got it.  Sorry, that's the way it works.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Christmas Week

Ah, here we are, just days away from Christmas.  All the last minute shoppers are out and about.  Don't even try to go to the mall or Wal-Mart.  It's nuts out there.  Why do so many people have to wait until the last minute?  It's just like shopping for birthday gifts, you don't have to wait until the day before, but people do anyway.  It's not like you can forget what day Christmas is on.  It's Insanity Week.  Good luck.

Friday, December 18, 2009

$75 T-shirt

What?  Are you kidding me?  I saw a website the other day offering a sale of 4 "vintage t-shirts" for $300.  Who pays $75 for a t-shirt?  I just can't understand who does that.  That is ridiculous.  I won't even spend $75 for a new pair of jeans or a new jacket.  I don't remember the last piece of clothing I spent $75 on.  I don't know if I have ever done that.  What is the world coming to?  $75......

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Hair Cut Hairs

I am weird about hair cuts.  I love getting my hair cut about every 2 or 3 weeks.  There is one thing I hate about hair cuts.  Those itchy little left over hairs that sneak down your neck and bother you all day until you can take a shower.  You can't see em.  They are uncatchable.  How can something that small be so uncomfortable.  I hate those hair cut hairs.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Come on, who doesn't like cartoons?  I don't mean these crazy anime digital cartoons.  I'm talking the real deal.  Bugs Bunny, Wile Coyote, Tom & Jerry, Scooby Doo, and more.  These are the things most of us grew up watching and look how we turned out.  Just fine, I'd say.  Now a days, these kids watch some crappy cartoons and look how they are turning out.  Not good.  I'm going to do my best to show my kids the classics before it's too late.  We need more Grape Ape in the world.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a strange animal.  It's like the all world remedy for everything.  But don't we need some other vitamins as well?  I understand that vitamin C is great for you, but what about vitamin B, or D?  Don't the other vitamins feel left out?  You never hear anything about vitamin A.  (Is there a vitamin A?)  I wish I knew the secret to vitamin C. 

Friday, December 11, 2009

Dry Skin

Winter is the worst time of year on your skin.  Everybody has dry lips, dry hands, dry everything.  I hate it.  Why don't I live in Arizona or something?  I hate the cold, because you have to bundle up.  Then, the cold dries you out.  It's miserable.  Dry legs, hands, arms, cheeks, everything.  (Did I already say that?)  Isn't there something we can do to keep our skin feeling good all year 'round?

Thursday, December 10, 2009


There is something mysterious about celebrities.  I don't know what it is.  Like famous people or athletes are some strange phenemon.  In reality they are human beings just like the rest of us, but society has trained us into believing that they are better than we are.  Whether it's money or fame, they have something we don't and probably never will have.  But that's okay.  We can all be special in one way or another.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Christmas Shopping

Christmas shopping isn't always the funnest thing to take part in.  You fight crowds, you always try to find the best sales, and its cold out.  That's no fun.  The only good part about the whole deal is seeing somebody open the gift you bought for them and seeing their reaction.  It makes it all worth while when you see the smile and hear them talk about how much they enjoy it.  It's more fun to give than actually receive.  Merry Christmas.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Icy Roads

Some people are so stupid.  Every year people forget what it is like to drive on ice.  It's like they don't remember that ice causes vehicles to slip and slide all over the road.  It's not that hard.  SLOW DOWN!  Seriously, its not that hard to remember, when there's ice, don't drive as fast as normal.  Geez.

Friday, December 4, 2009


Isn't it cute when a little kid starts saying their ABC's?  They are learning so much.  But I think it is impossible to not sing along with them in your head.  Just try it the next time somebody starts to say their ABC's and for you to not sing along.  It's not possible.  It's like a yawn, you can't stop yourself.  (See yawn blog from previous month).

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Media Scandals

Media scandals sure do give everyday people something to talk about, but is it really appropriate.  I kind of go back and forth on this issue.  I mean we have our privacy, right?  I guess even that is debatable.  But just because someone is famous or makes lots of money, why should that be of any interest to us what they do when they are not in the spotlight.  These people aren't like you or I and never will be.  Why do even try and relate to them and how they live their lives?  It's pretty stupid if you ask me.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


When are people going to figure out this economy?  It is driving everybody crazy.  People losing their jobs, people losing their money, people losing homes.  It is pretty bad.  I know that there are some areas where things are really bad, compared to where I am.  What is the government doing?  There is only so much stimulating that can be done.  At some point people are going to have to figure it out for themselves.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Christmas Lights

What is it with Christmas traditions?  Who thought putting lights on your house in December was a good idea?  Even worse than that is having to take them down in January, if they aren't frozen to your house.  And why is it that the Christmas tree has to be put up the day after Thanksgiving?  What will they think of next?  A designated shopping day?