Wednesday, February 24, 2010


I'm not a big fan of the Olympics.  I am impressed by the talents of the athletes, but just bored mostly by the games.  It's hard to root for an athlete that you've never heard of or that you only see once every four years.  I'm not invested in the people.  I'm all for the USA winning the gold, but its just hard to get into the hoopla.  I know I'm in the minority on this.  Look at the ratings.  They are outstanding.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Grumpy Old Men

If I ever turn into a grumpy old man I hope somebody slaps me.  I'm not sure what it is about getting grumpy in old age.  I saw an old guy in the store the other day get mad at the deli lady.  He asked where the chicken was, she told him, and then he told her she was wrong.  Then he told her to go find it for him.  I wanted to smack the old dude.  Then he complained again when she couldn't find the chicken.  Relax man, its just chicken.  Try some turkey or something.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Drive Thru Idiots

I really hate it when you pull into a drive thru line and people don't know what they want to order.  What, is this your first time at McDonalds?  Come on, you know what's on the menu.  Get on with it already.  I can understand if you can't find what drink they have or something, but there's not that many options to choose from.  They even have them numbered for you.  Just pick a number.  Or maybe you should just think for a second before you get to the window.  Geez

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Girl Scout Cookies

Girl Scout Cookies are a strange thing.  When it comes time to buy, everybody is gung ho about buying.  Who doesn't want to help out those cute kids, and get a box of cookies?  It seems like you wait forever to get them.  You finally get those boxes and then something strange happens.  You dig in.  But after a week or so, do you notice you still have like 3 boxes left?  Who can really eat all of those things.  They sit there for a while and then you wonder if they are still good.  Am I the only one? 

Friday, February 5, 2010

Weekend Plans

It's funny how things never quite work out as expected.  All week long you plan out the things you are going to do over the weekend.  Then wouldn't you know it, by Friday afternoon all of your plans have changed.  Things pop up.  Things you forgot about that you need to finish.  All the little projects you need to do before springtime.  All the laundry and cleaning you need to do.  WHAM!!  The weekend's over.  Time to start planning for next weekend. 

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Freezing Fog

I don't remember ever hearing about "freezing fog" or "black ice" when I was younger.  Maybe I wasn't paying attention.  I think meteorologists just like to make up cool sounding names.  I mean, do you think people 30 years ago were talking about freezing fog.  No, they just said it's foggy out here and really cold, so watch out for the ice on the roads. 

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Dress Codes

I gotta admit, I'm not a big fan of dress codes.  I understand that there has to be some control over what we wear to work, but come on.  When it's 104 degrees in July and you have to wear pants to work, what is that all about?  Or what is the big difference between jeans and slacks?  They are both pants right?  I think people would function better if they got to wear t-shirts and shorts.  Why not?  I get it if you work in a store and people need to identify you, but when you sit in an office all day and never see customers.  Come on.

Monday, February 1, 2010


What a wonderful invention.  Don't you just love the new technology that we have available to us?  What did we ever do before DVR?  It was a pain in the ass to figure out how to set your VCR and you still had to cross your fingers that it would work.  DVR's are great.  Just set it and record.  You can watch whenever you want.  As much as you want.  You can finally catch up on shows or games that you couldn't watch live.  It gives you more flexibility to go out and do things without the risk of missing that show.  I love it.